jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008


I have a lot of pictures take here in Krakow which I could show you but I will not do it. I have a lot of storys happened here in Krakow, but will not tell them. I miss you a lot of people are far away from here but now I need a single fucking moment for me... for my fucking mind. 

It look like "back to the future" I am running out but my fucking faults and my fucking old life chase me. I couldn´t change it because I don´t want. But now I am quite, I am enjoying my new face life, I am honest, I am the person I always wanted to be... I am not a swindler still. But in my dreams I am running out and my old life is behind me. I wanna to leave it! I will do it!

This is not your time fucking shit pass life. You are just a shit and I never will be this way again. This is my time. This is the CaMeL´s time. If you want to get me inside the jail. Don´t worry. It´s not my business. It´s your law. But you don´t take away my heart, my mind, my dreams, my family, the people I love, my key point, my love... because CaMeL will be there for you when CaMeL will be free.

Because this is my fucking awesome life. You know? 

2 comentarios:

  1. si te respondo en catalá te cabreas...verdad?

    que feo es el inglés hasta para decir cosas bonitas.

    Muchacho bonito! la oscuridad no es un arte, que desilusión.

  2. Y mira que a mi me suena bien siempre el inglés, incluso para decir fucking... xDD

    Si la oscuridad no es un arte... que poco arte que tengo...
